The Met Gala 2024: Belle Law’s Experience and the “Digitine” Phenomenon
It’s 4:45pm in New York City on the 6th May, the first Monday of the month. I am hot and…
A love letter to High School Musical: Makin’ the Cut!
How “High School Musical: Makin’ the Cut” Redefined Gaming for a Generation Words by Willow Najarro In the heart of…
Do We Miss When Animal Crossing Villagers Were Mean to Us?
Our repeated nightmares about an angry mole popping up when we don’t save our game can be put to rest.…
Nintendo’s newest enemy: the 3DS
Written by Belle Law Say farewell to a classic as Nintendo winds down the beloved 3DS. This October, it was…
The Death of Flash Games
Exploring the ability to Build Safe Spaces for Girl Gamers – Post Flash If you had a childhood anything like…
At what point did Social Media become your portfolio?
From TikTok talent to Instagram aesthetics, how social media’s evolution turned personal profiles into powerful professional portfolios. Scrolling through countless…
Why Cosy Gaming is for Every Girl Who Tells You She Can Beat You at MarioKart
Here’s why you’re a gamer, even if you just download Custom Content for your Sims. Gaming, as we know it…